

Tartooful, n. an object that is both beautiful and functional.  well designed;  of lasting value  2. v. to beautify through simplicity.  declutter; find the essence of beauty; surround oneself only with works of art.  3. adj. stylish and whimsical.  beautiful with a wink

North Vancouver BC Canada

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3 thoughts on “About

  1. Just wanted to let you know that it should read ” La couleur d’amour ” rather than “le couleur”…
    Also, I am curious to know if you only have troll beads now or if you still carry other types of gifts like before?


    1. Hello Andrée, thank you for correcting my French… I should have known better and will make the change. I must be getting rusty – this may call for a refresher trip to Paris! We do still carry a wide range of goodies – original art, childrens’ toys, other jewellery and beautifully designed housewares. You can browse our other lines at http://www.tartooful.com. Thank you for your note,

  2. I was wondering, what type of camera and lens you use to shoot such great close ups of your lovely bracelets? They are gorgeous shots!

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